12 December 2007

Daily Debriefing

Download page updated

Struck full on by the brutal, methodical power of.......... Whimsy?

Minor site update, added music players on a fit of Whimsy. Home, Forums, Worldmap, and Blog are all effected. Also note, Bringing the world map in to any Quadrant will cause it to play tracks more fitting to Northern/Southern style.

01 November 2007

Daily Debriefing

Alright, last night Linda and I worked off and finished up Southern Sentinel.

I haven't put it up for testing yet, but no one seemed to bother last time I did(Post here if you want me to put it up). I've also written up the long and short of Juggernaut of War. Hopefully motivation will come, or I'll talk Linda into doing it for me.

Personally, I'm hoping on the latter, but its a lot of active feats so it would count as good practice I think.

26 October 2007

Back in the Saddle.

I've taken a good long while off, Screwed with this that and the next, Tried modding SupCom a bit, and yet, I still come back to old favorites.

Also of Note, I've taken on an apprentice of sorts in teaching how to make a class with Tabular framework. Frankly, its helping her just as much as its helping me, as the tutorial bit to date has been doing Southern Sentinel which has been one of those "I should do it, but I don't really want to" issues. Using it as a teaching tool has removed that, because while I don't really want to do it, I'm doing it and getting more than just the person gain of "Its done I'm happy".

I can look at it as actively producing some result, even if it is someone else using it for their own ends, and my list remaining much the same.

10 September 2007

Showcasing Imp

Imp's been mostly off on his own series of adventures, Despite that he's checked in a few times and left tidbits here and there, including screenshots of his work.

As I haven't done much of anything lately, and it seems everyone in general has wound-down a bit so to speak.. I'm going to shamelessly put up imp's assorted explanations, Screenshots, and images o showoff what he's done in the vague hope that the pretty pictures will distract you and You'll forget ever having read this.


This proposed map shows the borders of the Underworld's six regions, and access tunnels that connect them, and two access shafts.

To clarify:

Underworld Region: A section of the Underworld where the underground areas are relatively easy to traverse in, though not quite to the degree of freedom found on the surface. Inside the region's borders, areas tend to conform to a certain style, due to the region's environment and conditions. Most space found outside the regions shown is solid rock, or, due to the ocean, open water. Besides that are isolated caves, and the access tunnels. I shall explain the different regions shortly.

Access Tunnel: A relatively straight and easy path from one region to another. An access tunnel could be an artificial tunnel, such as a mine tunnel, burrowed tunnel, (by, say, a giganto-mole), a bridge across a large gorge, or an underground structure found between the two regions, like an Orcish Stronghold, or an abandoned dungeon. A natural example of such would be like a simple cave, underground river, or whatever.

Access Shaft: An access point connecting the surface and the Underworld. I marked two proposed ones on the map, found in region three in the swamp, and region four on the volcano. One being a swampy cave that descends into a fetid pit of fungus and gigantic insects, the other a volcanic shaft leading to a fiery pit of molten rock and lakes of fire, (unless the only way to get to the volcano is through the Underworld.. then I guess it'd be a shaft leading -from- a fiery pit of molten rock and lakes of fire.) Other examples of an access shaft would be like an abandoned mine, with a mine shaft leading deep underground, a river that waterfalls into a large hole leading underground, a dwarven citadel, (which tends to expand downward, rather than outward), or a cave system.

Yes, it seems complex, but its a system, a way things work.. and most importantly, a look at how its going to happen, and work.

Now, to explain the regions themselves, which I have not named.

1.) Abyssal/Bone Region: A cold region that lies beneath the northern snows. This region is unique for its large amount of abysses, (basically, an abyss is a bottomless pit), a remnant of the shifting movements that created the northern mountain ranges. It's also a region famous for the sheer amount of skeletal remains of creatures in its dark caverns. And it's not an uncommon sight to see shallow pits filled to the brim with the skeletons of less fortunate adventurers, and lesser creatures. Its for these reasons that the region is a favored home to flying and climbing creatures that use the area's lack of flooring to their advantage in survival. The region also attracts necromancers fond of animating skeletons, due to the abundance of skeletal dead.

2.)Frozen Region: This region is a world of frozen caverns and deathly cold water, found beneath the northeastern snows and the nearby islands. This region is known for its beautiful caves of frozen water that flows from the above ocean. This region is populated by hardy creatures that are able to ignore the area's piercing cold.

3.)Fungal Region: This region lays beneath the western woodlands and swamps, and is home to a multitude of fungi, insects and disease. The region's caverns are often likened to the swamps that exsist above, as there are no other caves as stench-ridden, muddy, and insect-infested as those that exsist here. Fortunately, the cave's conditions improve, (relatively) as travelers move away from the surface swamps, as the region transforms into sprawling underground forests of mushrooms. This region is also home to giant insect hives.

4.)Volcanic Region: This region lays beneath the central island volcano, and could be considered part of the volcano itself, featuring rivers of flame, lakes of fire, and massive lava flows. The region is home to creatures that can take the massive heat and unpredictable movements of the volcanic region, though some intelligent creatures have moved in, in an attempt to harness the area's heat, seeking to create massive weapon forges.

5.)Cavern Region: This region lays beneath the eastern forest and the edge of the central desert. Though this region lacks the unique hazardous conditions of the others, the region is dangerous due to reasons of its own. This region is a region of caves rich with precious metals and minerals, and, because of how resource-rich it is, the most artificially altered, with scattered mines, refineries, and underground quarries, created by all kinds of races, though many are now abandoned, having been originally constructed and stripped clean years ago. The region's natural inhabitants, consisting of many creatures, often pale in comparison to the greedy sentient races willing to protect their stakeout with their life. This region also contains an underground river, (which I forgot to place on the map), which leads from the frozen region, to the flooded region.

6.)Flooded Region: This region lays mostly beneath the southern oceans. This area is often compared to the frozen region, because it also has water that seeps down into the caves beneath. However, it lacks the cold that would freeze this water, resulting in vast flooded caverns, quick-flowing underground rivers, fully submerged cave systems, and large subterranean lakes. This area is populated by water-dwelling creatures, and by creatures that prey on the fish of the underground water system from the shores.

With all that explained, its a lot more thought out than the normal generic "Oh well there is monster X here because they live here." which is sadly, something of the norm in world design with NWN.

Made some Underworld concept shots; detailed screenies showing regions of the Underworld as they might appear.


Abyssal Region (1): A pit filled with bones and ice. While not an uncommon sight for this region, this one is notably different for its apparant use as a sacrificial pit, with carved ledges on the sides of the pit, an altar inside the pit, and a recent victim, not yet picked clean by predators, who was left to die of cold and hunger.


Abyssal Region (1): An old bridge travels through the rocky cliffs of the Abyssal Region. The cliffs are littered with the common skeletal remains and ice, but also offer a hint of another time: remains of sea life from warmer regions, dead trees, and the ruins of what could almost be seen as an old park.


Volcanic Region (4): A passage deep in the Volcanic Region. A shrine to some unknown being of fire, dragon, or perhaps to the raw power of the inferno itself? It appears to still be in use, if the offerings of gold on the carved altars in the passage are anything to go by. Perhaps they are friendly but, let's be honest, how often do you meet someone in a volcano that ever is?


Cavern Region (5): A salvager camp in an abandoned mine. There is money to be made in salvaging the equipment and supplies left behind in the scattered abandoned mines in the Cavern Region. Adventurers beware, though, not all salvagers welcome company. This camp seems to be enjoying sucess, with plenty of findings boxed and ready to be carted out of the mine and into the markets. They are wary, however, because the mine isn't completely empty, and they have built a barrier out of broken furniture and brought a ballista to cover the entrance.


Fungal Region (3): A forest of mushrooms and underground plant life, the fungal region is a place of twisting plants and disease. This forest thrives on the water that seeps through the muddy cave walls from the swamps above, creating a strange underworld garden.


Flooded Region (6): A waterside shrine nestled in the Flooded Region, the Underworld Region beneath the ocean. Though the residents are peaceful, they are still able to defend themselves. They are living underground, after all. They allow travelers to use the dock in the background, if they behave themselves.


Frozen Region (2): A monument buried in the snow and ice of the Frozen Region, overlooking a cold canyon. Flakes of snow blow through the caves from the surface, carried by chill wind that flows through the frozen region's tunnels, slowly burying the monument, and countless other secrets.
I'll probably reorder all of this, and or turn the source bit into an addition to the main Blackbook site as the first real piece on setting specific stuff, but That will take a while.

It will also mandate larger images which IMO is ideal. To fit them into this little frame, way too much detail was sacrificed.

06 September 2007

Jasspere's AI Spawn In

Been working on JAI(Jasspere's AI) today in leaps and bounds Most notably, the spawn in event.

Ya see, way back when I tried to do some additional options all tied into the onspawn and checking for variables on the creature being spawned. This met with as much success as someone trying to convince Bill Clinton to try celibacy and I never figured out why it wouldn't work. Sure I had an idea, but testing it would take time, and still be 'hit or miss'.

And on the fourth day, Mask tested...

Long story short, I don't know that my theory was right, but the possible solution I cooked up seems to work so.. Who cares if my theory was right, wrong, or neon purple. It works now, that's what matters.

Essentially, my best guess was that the onspawn script was firing before the creature was considered a "Valid Object" either for terms of checking flags, or in terms of setting flags. Doesn't matter.

What I did was to make a new spawn in script which is so simple, even an untrained monkey could work it.
void main()
{ DelayCommand(1.0f, ExecuteScript("j_ai_onspawn", OBJECT_SELF)); }

j_ai_onspawn of course being the AI script that use to fire instantly. I delayed it a second, a massive change. Or so I'd like you to think....

At any rate with this now reading variables set on the creature, I've gone about adding in first.. my own custom spawn in flags.

Variable If unset Whatssit do.

SS_ATK_COUNT No Modification 1-6 Force set's attacks per round
SS_VFX N/M Allows creater to set a VFX to be applied to the NPC(This will be removed when NPC dies.)

The following all share a similiar implementation:
If: Variable is Greater Than or Equal To 1d100
Effect stated is applied So setting variables as:
101 = ALWAYS apply 0 = NEVER apply
SS_VS_KD N/M Allows creater to set a probability chance of Creature being Knockdown immune.
SS_VS_FEAR N/M See above, but with fear Immunity
SS_VS_CRIT N/M See above, but with Critical Hit Immunity
SS_VS_SNEAK N/M See above, but with Sneak Attack Immunity
SS_VS_DEATH N/M See above, but with Death Magic Immunity
SS_VS_ULTRA N/M % chance as above. Adds Ultravision to the NPC
SS_VS_S_INVIS N/M % chance as above. Adds See Invisibility to the NPC
SS_VS_ETHER N/M Spawns NPC under the effect of Greater Sanctuary until NPC takes hostile action.
SS_VS_REGEN N/M Regenerates 1 HP per second.
SS_VS_FAST N/M 50% speed increase.
SS_VS_CONCEAL N/M 50% concealment applied to creature.
SS_LOOTCHANCE Use creature HitDice Probability Vs 1d100 of a custom weapon being made for this creature.
DEATH_VFX N/M Set VFX shortly after NPC dies (I.E. Mantain illusion created by skining VFX)

I may or may not add more tonight, but if I do, this list will be updated.

The theory behind this, is I want, as much as possible, to make Combat in NWN more tactical. Less
"Build my PC and hope she/he rolls good"
and more
"OK, this isn't working against this monster, let me try something else.."

By making it so creatures can have % chance's of random boosts, I think its going to make it a lot less "Oh look, another orc, let me acid arrow it".. even more so once I finish writing up damage immunity, and resistance bits.

Edit: Above got done

Variable   If unset    Whatssit do.
SS_VS_SLASH_R N/M Slashing resistance = NPC's (Level X 2)
SS_VS_SLASH_I N/M 100% slashing immunity
SS_VS_BLUNT_R N/M Blunt resistance = NPC's (Level X 2)
SS_VS_BLUNT_I N/M 100% Blunt immunity
SS_VS_PIERC_R N/M Piercing resistance = NPC's (Level X 2)
SS_VS_PIERC_I N/M 100% Piercing immunity
SS_VS_FIRE_R N/M Fire resistance = NPC's (Level X 2)
SS_VS_FIRE_I N/M 100% Fire immunity
SS_VS_COLD_R N/M Cold resistance = NPC's (Level X 2)
SS_VS_COLD_I N/M 100% Cold immunity
SS_VS_ELEC_R N/M Electrical resistance = NPC's (Level X 2)
SS_VS_ELEC_I N/M 100% Electrical immunity
SS_VS_ACID_R N/M Acid resistance = NPC's (Level X 2)
SS_VS_ACID_I N/M 100% Acid immunity
SS_VS_DIVI_R N/M Divine resistance = NPC's (Level X 2)
SS_VS_DIVI_I N/M 100% Divine immunity
SS_VS_POSI_R N/M Positive resistance = NPC's (Level X 2)
SS_VS_POSI_I N/M 100% Positive immunity
SS_VS_SONI_R N/M Sonic resistance = NPC's (Level X 2)
SS_VS_SONI_I N/M 100% Sonic immunity
SS_VS_NEGA_R N/M Negative resistance = NPC's (Level X 2)
SS_VS_NEGA_I N/M 100% Negative immunity

03 September 2007


Miscellaneous playing around today, and finally re-assaulted baseitems.2da and remembered why it was useful, and why CEP needs to edit it so much.

  • It controls all item types in the module using it.

  • Its how CEP adds the new(half-functioning) weapons, like double-bladed kazoo

  • It controls the critical modifier(X2, X3, X4), critical range(20, 19-20, 18-20), and damage of an item.

  • I honestly don't recall what I was going to write here, but I had a fourth point.

This has been long overdue, but I began with some simple changes, namely making crossbow's actually feasible as an alternative to bow's. This of course was done by raising their damage, because let's face it 1d8 on a longbow(max 6 attacks attacks a round) vs a 1d10 crossbow that does max 5 attacks. It looks even, but consider this, Longbow needs a feat to get 1 more attack a round to hit six. Crossbow needs a feat to get more than 1 attack a round.

That playing field is about as level as Bill Clinton's marital vows.

Besides, most Longbow users usually opt for Arcane Archer if at all possible. I for one have never seen a dwarf with a longbow, its always elves or half elves. Not to mention a dwarf would never be able to string a longbow, couldn't hold the base still while managing to reach the top to bend it down.

30 August 2007

Website Overhaul-age

Did some re-working of the main site. Not sure how much more I'll be doing total, but I think I'll be expanding the Worldmap and Paragons & Patrons sections with subsections as appropriate.

You can for example see several of the P&P upgrades

26 August 2007

Daily Debriefing

Northern Armsmen is available for testing. It was pretty easy to just take similar .2da entries and tweak values as needed, still it will require admittedly more effort later to go ahead and get all the right feat options in at the right levels.

Right now, the epic feats this class can pick(As class feats) are absolutely strange, but time and effort will change that easily enough. I think I just need to make a -1 into a 21 in a few instances to allow them to be taken as epic class feats but I can't(and won't) pretend to tell anyone I'm sure.

25 August 2007

Daily Debriefing

Alright, see the rant below, additionally, World map coding(with both South East, and South West maps added) is finished, although updating/finish maps is still on the 'todo' list, and cropping mini-maps to make web images will take some time and effort, but at least the structure behind it is all present.

You'll probably need to hit F5 to refresh the page(and your browser cache with it). Will probably be doing more later.

110MB Rant

Alright, this is done:

(This will never change, once you have it.. you have it.)


(This will change frequently, usually with an annotation somewhere that something has changed. I will bump this topic when hak is updated.)

However in the doing of that, I required a beer. For those who don't know, I'm weird, I think drinking and smoking, and other such vices are simply a lack of willpower and a failure to exhibit adult behavior. Essentially, they are the recourse of those who have lead such a shitty life due to their own mismanaged choices that they require such things to continue, and/or experience a bout of happiness.

Be that as it may, 110MB.com made me drink today. To start with, I couldn't upload a .7z file. Understandable I guess, the listed reason is they don't want their site to become an alternative to yousendit.com. Again, understandable I suppose. Seems to me their deliberately avoiding a business opportunity, but that's not my problem.

What is my problem, is that I couldn't upload the 7zip, alright no big deal, I'll upload the 5.01MB file and let them deal with the increased space on their server. Oh Fracking well, they brought it upon themselves. As it completes uploading, I get this lovely little message in my FTP client.

[R] 200 TYPE is now 8-bit binary
[R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (195,242,99,102,157,145)
[R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 40337
[R] STOR Black_Book Class Test.mod
[R] 150 Accepted data connection
[R] 550-File too big. Max allowed size is 5120 kb.
[R] 550 Black_Book Class Test.mod won't be saved.
[R] Transfer Failed!
[R] 200 TYPE is now ASCII
[R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (195,242,99,102,156,74)
[R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 40010
[R] LIST -al
[R] 150 Accepted data connection
[R] 226-Options: -a -l
[R] 226 4 matches total
[R] List Complete: 263 bytes in 0.47 seconds (0.5 KB/s)
Transfer queue completed
1 File failed to transfer

Ugh. 5120 kb? It was 5.01MB, or 5010kb What in fracking blazes? Vile bastards. Alright, I open it in the toolset, Gut it down, remove a worthless area and upload it again. No problem. 4.88mb is apparently less than 5120, while 5.01 mb is not. What-fracking-ever.

Thinking I had reached a mutually hostile truce with the software, I went to upload the hak BB_Top.hak knowing full damned well it was 1.28mb and would upload.

Ahh, the foolish pride of youth, you see I had forgotten it didn't like some file types, apparently .hak is one of them. I was half way to SevenZipping it when I remembered it didn't like 7zip either. I swore. and started to .Rar it, then I realized .rar also has a good file compression. I swore again, and decided to use .zip.

For those who aren't as technologically savvy as I am, I'll put it in perspective. 7Zip is like using K-Y Jelly when jerking off. Zip, being years older is like using Sandpaper instead.

Not so much in the fact that zip isn't even remotely designed to do the job, it was designed for compression, but in the age of E-tech its outdated by years and outshone by present alternatives. While there is a leisure(as well as a health) aspect of riding a bike when traveling distance, its rarely done with the intent to travel distances, or move cargo a distance with speed.

Those two goals are the core of compressing data. To move it quickly, and in large loads. .Zip is outclassed easily by .rar and .7z just runs circles around it.

Daily Debriefing

More mapping done: Results Here
Web map of course, updated to match.

19 August 2007

Daily Debriefing

16 August 2007

Daily Debriefing

Well, Todays trial has been experimenting towards class changing. I'm slotting out quite a few that will get either full or partial reworking to provide what I believe to be a better overall arrangement. Todays goal was to change the Assassin class on the two primary levels.

  1. Changing the 2DA to alter what feat's the class gets/what level they become available at.
  2. Changing the TLK (Talk table) to reflect the above changes and display properly in game.

Suffice to say, I've only made one change so far, a Simple one, let's show you the basic assassin:

- Hit Die: d6.
- Proficiencies: Simple Weapons, Light Armor Proficiency.
- Skill Points: 4 + Int Modifier.

Not bad for a start, but I've always disliked one thing about the class.. How most of the cool and strange weapons.. it can't use by default.

- Hit Die: d6.
- Proficiencies: Exotic Weapons, Light Armor Proficiency.
- Skill Points: 4 + Int Modifier.

See the change? Its minor, until it comes to weapon selection. Anyway, I've tried before to tamper with a talk table and met with a level of success that resulted in only a single change: I got a beer, it seemed preferable.

Not so, with the Tabular Framework application I've kicked around in for this latest attempt. It's actually a TLK and 2DA editor in one app, allowing the user to drag around and alter both, with the added convenience of having both open and drag-around-able while tampering.

This is to say you can have both the talk table(only one allowed per module) and all the 2DA's open that you want and you can switch between them, or drag and place them to keep all the data coherent.

Coherent, that's something I'm not at the moment, but its difficult to explain properly how easy this makes it. Suffice to say, I could train my dog to use this program, getting her to work the keyboard may be difficult. However the software is empathetically not the hardware.

This is a rave review from me to be honest, for the simple fact it handles 2 tasks together that are needed to produce changes, and it does it without bells, whistles, or flaming hoops that seem to be listed as 'features' in so much of todays software. To put this in perspective, my Cell phone has a Calculator(1), a calendar(2), an alarm clock(3), a world clock(4), a stopwatch(5), and a notepad(6) build into its software.

I've used the alarm clock once. It did not meet expectations and I've never used it again. Nor were any of the other "features" I listed above used. Their Fucking Junk. Tabular Framework thankfully does the job, does the job well, and does it without Junk.

15 August 2007

Daily Debriefing

So, It seems I'm the only one working, or the only one posting updates.. No matter! I've been slacking somewhat lately, but some of my mapping work has been uploaded to the site, so while its still not nearly done.. you can take a look over here to see how the northern mountain range is coming.

On a related note, I may do up a NE section tonight too, and redo the linking for that part too. I also spent some time last night making Patrons and Paragons look a bit nicer. I'll still be kicking it all to Roen when finished so he can ply his hand at being editor, and more pointedly re-authoring it all into a more flowing script. Following that, I'll turn it into a real web page with better formatting and get the hell away from the inline frame its presently using.

I may just be old fashion, but it was pounded into my head when first learning HTML that Frames = BAD. However I confess this page is made possible by an inline frame, so maybe the more I play with it, the less I may cling to that belief. My initial concern lies mostly in targeting it.
{A href="Link_URL"}link{/a}
is how most links are written but the inline frame bit forces me to add another parameter, which I don't really like.

target="" It works, fairly well in fact, but its a pain to have to manually add it to all URL links when making a post.
{A href="Link_URL" target="_blank"}link{/a}

However, let's not forget before I used 3 links in this one post alone already.. Suffice to say, its a cumulative headache as more things need to be referenced.

08 August 2007

Daily Debriefing

Trans completed:

  • A Row
  • B Row
  • C Row
  • D Row
  • E Row
  • F Row
  • G Row
  • H Row
  • I Row
  • J Row
  • K Row
  • L Row
  • M Row

On that note, I took a brief break and came up a fun trap script:

Random save, Random DC, Jumps PC to random location, and hides the map on them. Fun 'eh? I also worked up some AOE traps, but they work less well(there are still bugs, Note the plural form 'bugS'). Spell traps may be next.

I may even take tomorrow off, but eventually I'll clean up A-E and do the Mountains.

Edit: I also did a fair bit of web work today, check the main page.

07 August 2007

Daily Debriefing


  • H Row
  • I Row
Some web work completed, Roen also made his first post here, also note on the main page, he's introduced(you may need to F5 to refresh).

The Nightmare Begins!

Due to much prodding, harassment and death threats, yes, I'm finally going to begin posting notes and updates on here as well concerning the storyline and anything relevant to it. As it stands, I haven't really begun on anything solid, save for some brainstorming sessions with the Steel Clad Helpline. Basically, I'm opening up shop in terms of ideas for quests, plots and anything else those contributing to this have bottled up inside those heads of yours. And now, for something mildly amusing, and partially earnest....

(The Greatest Introduction Ever Composed)

I have a dream. A dream where the little posters with rabies might come together to unite under a single flag, one banner. This dream has been built on the emphasis of one person, one semi-divine being, obsessed not only with good, but chasing irritating little goblins around gatherings in Taverns. This dream, this sole person, not only fights for what he sees as truthful, but for loot, for the hope of actually beating his peers in PVP. While he might shout random bursts of "DAMMIT!", live in Bumblefuck (aka, the middle of nowhere), and have himself banned multiple times from a certain forum, his tenacity is truly an inspiration for us all. His name is Amanda! And HE IS IRRITATING!!!

(See I AM CANADIAN! Speech for humor reference... Yeah, yet another cheapshot at Art, but its been a while.)

(End Silliness)

And now, as per the /real/ intro...

This is our Dream. Dreams embody all aspects of what we perceive to desire inwardly of this world... If you could take a dream and shape it, mold it into something real, something that permeates the world and rings true to your designs, you have truly made your mark on existence. For too long time has passed us by, smothering and giving birth to our dreams, repeating an endless cycle. With this introduction, I give you the creation of our dream, one which until now, has only been able to exist in murmurs and whispers... My friends, go forth, and let fate weave your dreams into the fold of existence.

Welcome, to the Black Book.

Black Book/Whateverwe'recallingthisserver Logo
Dare to Dream, Mold Your World.

An NWN Persistant World Community Project

And, that should do it for now. Just something a brewed up in the five minutes I have here. Lates peeps!

06 August 2007

Daily Debriefing

Trans Completed:

  • Row E
  • Row F
  • Row G
7/13 Done.

05 August 2007

Daily Debriefing

Trans completed:

  • A Row
  • B Row
  • C Row
  • D Row
4 Row's down, 9 left. Not bad all in all, even more so as I go over ground I'm taking care to ensure all the edges line up, and heights are maintained consistently. Its a pain, but A-D are my baby, and more to the point, I think I'll be taking over Row E as well to ensure the mountain range mesh's back to land level well. Once I get Row E connected in terms of Trans, then I'll spend probably 4-8 hours going over area's and remapping it all to update on the web-map.

I may go do a few simple area's today, but you can see in particular, I took some time to dress up C10 & C11(Ur'krhurthk). I've also extended the road all the way up and out to B06 where it will lead into the fortress city of A06(Waurhkhathth). But I don't want to get into map making yet when I know C Row is liable to change, and I may change B Row to offer some nice steppe terrain with possibly caves here and there..

Additionally, While I was working on C10 & 11 I thought up a nice little quest to work in there, as you can see on C10 there's a bridge across a lake that leads into the terrain. Its my half cocked notion to have a quest from the cities guard captain(or more likely an LT who doesn't want the job) to send the PC to kill the leader of the Miscellaneous_humanoid_tribe who lives there and return with his head.

The reason being of course, the tribe could easily despoil the supply of fresh water that leads through the town and out into the sea. However, I'm thinking it would be far more interesting if the options were above and beyond a simple killing. Maybe negotiate a truce, or Talk the tribe into serving Prince Mardak.

The possibilities are endless, but it's little things like that which will bring the place to life I think.

02 August 2007

Daily Debriefing

Did a few more area trans today. Today in general was a lazy sunday, I'll probably get something more productive done over the weekend.

01 August 2007

Daily Debriefing

Tonights accomplishments pretty much consist of this showing here As well as having cleaned up several other pages to likewise display relevant content on the page, rather than placeholders/forwarding setups.

Doing a similar page for contact us, is also planned, but that's another day. I really didn't feel like tool-setting at all today, and have far to many IRL things to get done. For more of my IRL dysfunctions, feel free to visit my Personal Blog.

For those unfamiliar with the term Debriefing, click it.

So at the moment

I'm working on transitions, more notably the seamless trans system I cooked up.

  1. Drawing them takes a fair bit of time
  2. Most must be 1 tile in size.
  3. 2 makes 1 even more annoying
  4. All of that is due to the fact that to make it idiot proof I went ahead and well, idiot proofed it.
What this means is that when a PC enters Trans A on map A, their thrown to the corresponding side on Map B, in the middle of trans B. This is where it gets fun.. What happens is when entering the trans, a variable is set to keep you from using another trans. Its removed, when you enter trans B, instead of Trans B actually moving you.

In the beginning...

Well, its open and up, we'll see if anyone(myself included) ever writes anything here. As you can tell, I'll be using shades of Blue(or just this shade assuming I can get the same one every time). As others join in, we'll see who picks what colors.