15 August 2007

Daily Debriefing

So, It seems I'm the only one working, or the only one posting updates.. No matter! I've been slacking somewhat lately, but some of my mapping work has been uploaded to the site, so while its still not nearly done.. you can take a look over here to see how the northern mountain range is coming.

On a related note, I may do up a NE section tonight too, and redo the linking for that part too. I also spent some time last night making Patrons and Paragons look a bit nicer. I'll still be kicking it all to Roen when finished so he can ply his hand at being editor, and more pointedly re-authoring it all into a more flowing script. Following that, I'll turn it into a real web page with better formatting and get the hell away from the inline frame its presently using.

I may just be old fashion, but it was pounded into my head when first learning HTML that Frames = BAD. However I confess this page is made possible by an inline frame, so maybe the more I play with it, the less I may cling to that belief. My initial concern lies mostly in targeting it.
{A href="Link_URL"}link{/a}
is how most links are written but the inline frame bit forces me to add another parameter, which I don't really like.

target="" It works, fairly well in fact, but its a pain to have to manually add it to all URL links when making a post.
{A href="Link_URL" target="_blank"}link{/a}

However, let's not forget before I used 3 links in this one post alone already.. Suffice to say, its a cumulative headache as more things need to be referenced.

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