07 August 2007

The Nightmare Begins!

Due to much prodding, harassment and death threats, yes, I'm finally going to begin posting notes and updates on here as well concerning the storyline and anything relevant to it. As it stands, I haven't really begun on anything solid, save for some brainstorming sessions with the Steel Clad Helpline. Basically, I'm opening up shop in terms of ideas for quests, plots and anything else those contributing to this have bottled up inside those heads of yours. And now, for something mildly amusing, and partially earnest....

(The Greatest Introduction Ever Composed)

I have a dream. A dream where the little posters with rabies might come together to unite under a single flag, one banner. This dream has been built on the emphasis of one person, one semi-divine being, obsessed not only with good, but chasing irritating little goblins around gatherings in Taverns. This dream, this sole person, not only fights for what he sees as truthful, but for loot, for the hope of actually beating his peers in PVP. While he might shout random bursts of "DAMMIT!", live in Bumblefuck (aka, the middle of nowhere), and have himself banned multiple times from a certain forum, his tenacity is truly an inspiration for us all. His name is Amanda! And HE IS IRRITATING!!!

(See I AM CANADIAN! Speech for humor reference... Yeah, yet another cheapshot at Art, but its been a while.)

(End Silliness)

And now, as per the /real/ intro...

This is our Dream. Dreams embody all aspects of what we perceive to desire inwardly of this world... If you could take a dream and shape it, mold it into something real, something that permeates the world and rings true to your designs, you have truly made your mark on existence. For too long time has passed us by, smothering and giving birth to our dreams, repeating an endless cycle. With this introduction, I give you the creation of our dream, one which until now, has only been able to exist in murmurs and whispers... My friends, go forth, and let fate weave your dreams into the fold of existence.

Welcome, to the Black Book.

Black Book/Whateverwe'recallingthisserver Logo
Dare to Dream, Mold Your World.

An NWN Persistant World Community Project

And, that should do it for now. Just something a brewed up in the five minutes I have here. Lates peeps!

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