26 October 2007

Back in the Saddle.

I've taken a good long while off, Screwed with this that and the next, Tried modding SupCom a bit, and yet, I still come back to old favorites.

Also of Note, I've taken on an apprentice of sorts in teaching how to make a class with Tabular framework. Frankly, its helping her just as much as its helping me, as the tutorial bit to date has been doing Southern Sentinel which has been one of those "I should do it, but I don't really want to" issues. Using it as a teaching tool has removed that, because while I don't really want to do it, I'm doing it and getting more than just the person gain of "Its done I'm happy".

I can look at it as actively producing some result, even if it is someone else using it for their own ends, and my list remaining much the same.

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