15 May 2009

Knightly Virtures

So.. I've been on a class kick lately.

In particular.. I've finished Warlock, made some tweaks to Shadow dancer, and now I'm onto the Difficult Behemoth.. Paladin, BG, and CoT. Now, this is one of those area's(Like removing Sorc{can't edit the classes spell gain table}, and adding warlock) that I'm going to either:

  1. Create myself a legion of rabid fans
  2. Piss off everyone who liked any of those three classes originally.

Know what I'm saying? Ya either Like, Love, or Tolerate how they function presently.. but such is Familiar, ya know it, ya plan around it, and it works good. Me.. well, I'm a fan of changing things up for a better(or at lest much more diverse) balance mechanic. So.. Paladins now occupy a Prestige class(Bye Bye Champion of Torm) Blackguards will likewise function with the same spellbook as paladins.

And what does the base class become you ask?

I give you.. The Knight.

A knight is a proud, skilled melee combatant who fights in the name of honor and chivalry. A knight relies on more than a sharp sword and a stout suit of armor to defeat her foes. Her drive, determination, and fighting spirit allow her to control the battlefield in ways that others cannot match. A knight can challenge an opponent to a duel, calling upon the foe's pride and ego to force his hand. The knight's talent with heavy armor, shields, and defensive tactics grant her the ability to disrupt her foe's plans. Only the most talented rogues and monks can slip past a knight's defenses to strike at her allies. An adventuring group with wizards, warlocks, and other lightly armored members thrives with the assistance of a knight. While the knight keeps enemies occupied, her allies can use their talents and abilities without fear of attack or harassment.

The knight class is a great choice if you want to play a tough, durable melee combatant whose strong personality allows you to manipulate your foes. Weaker foes cower in fear before you, while stronger foes move to strike you rather than your allies when you play on their egos and challenge them to duels. Your expertise in using armor and carrying a shield allows you to form an impregnable defensive line. Once you engage a foe, he has difficulty moving away to threaten your allies. If you want to be a front-line melee combatant who defends the rest of the party and manipulates opponents, the knight is a good choice.

Requirements: Any Lawful(Due to limitations of the character creation process, this will function as a choice after character creation where one may become Evil/Neutral)

LVL BAB Fort Will Ref Skills HP Feats
22300424Armor Mastery
33311636Hold The Line(Below)
44411848Test of Mettle(Below)
554111060Bonus feat, Shield Bash(Below)
775221484Mounted Combat
101073320120Bonus feat
121284424144Daunting Challenge(Below)
151595530180Bonus feat

Starting at 2nd level, a knight is effective by armor mastery, which increases speed while wearing armor.

Beginning at 3rd level, the knight can elect to become an all but immobile bastion of defense, gaining physical damage resistance equal to (10 + class level + CHA mod), subsequently, the knight looses a good deal of their mobility(45% speed decrease). Additionally any nearby foes(at the time of use) are forced to treat the area near the knight as difficult terrain.

Starting at 4th level, a knight can issue a Test of Mettle. This is a general challenge to all foes within 30 feet. Affected creatures must make Will saves (DC 10 + 1/2 knight level + the knight's CHA modifier). Creatures that fail this save will attack the knight. Using this power is a swift action(Instant/Free).
Recharge time (30 - CHA mod) Rounds

Starting at 7th level, a knight can attempt to shield bash any enemy engaged in melee(And targeting the Knight). This is assumed to be successful(hitting), and the target is provided a will save, failure results in the target being Dazed for 2-3 rounds.
The difficulty class of the save is 10 + ½ character level + strength modifier.
Using this power is a swift action(Instant/Free).
Recharge time (Daze Duration + 1) rounds.

Starting at 12th level, a knight can issue a Daunting Challenge as a swift action. Like a test of mettle, this is a general challenge to all foes within 30 feet. Affected creatures must make Will saves (DC 10 + 1/2 knight level + the knight's Cha modifier). Creatures that fail this save are frightened for (Intimidate skill/2) rounds. Additionally, for each frightened foe, The knight, and Allies are granted a +1 cumulative attack bonus again for (Intimidate skill/2) rounds.
Recharge time (30 - CHA mod) Rounds

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