21 August 2009

Why I Can't, Don't, and Won't, trust CEP..

This is a link.

I'm really not sure if I need to add anything to that, but I'll tell you what I see.

  1. Barry(CEP team) off on a rant about how the government is out to get him.

  2. 420(Also CEP team) posting a single sentence out of a letter with no context. To be fair, he did exactly as he was asked, no more or no less.

  3. Morikhan(Q Lead) adds context with the entirety of the letter.

  4. Actual conspiracy is revealed in all the things left unsaid, by CEP team.

Any idiot can lie. Let's face it the act requires no skill. Concealing the fact you are, requires skill at masking ones telltales. But online, your not looking at someones face anyway.. so no skill involved. Misleading(all the more so when its deliberate) that requires talent....

For example
"Have you seen your father Jane?"
"No mom."

Now.. If janes father called her.. or talked to her without her making eye contact(Think yelling down the hall). She's being completely truthful. This is why court oaths require one to Tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

So there it is in a nutshell, Evasive answers, Misleading statements, a dearth of cooperation, and if asked to dig back, I can find and show outright lies.

Sorry, but with that resume, I wouldn't trust these people to walk my dog, much less run a large For-the-community project.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yup. Complete agreement.