14 July 2009

Considering we're going with Placeable cities..

The questions(2) on my mind now.. are

  1. How weird should city layout be?

  2. Should Cities have multiple exteriors?

  3. How do I want to tackle this beast?
Really, this is where things get strange. I think the answer's oughta be..

  1. No more than required.

  2. God no, just.. please.. No.

  3. Whiskey. Tango. Foxtrot.
Now.. Multi-area city exteriors can be done well. They can, it happens. Its been my experience however that this is a 1/10 shot and it usually only happens by accident. Could just be me, but every transition it takes me to leave the city leaves me with 2 reactions.
  1. Why is the city this big?
    • Are there 20-30 different taverns I can enter until I find one of my liking?
    • If no, then it doesn't need to lend that impression.

  2. How many more area's must I jog through before I can finally have an adventure?
    • Or is leaving the city itself suppose to be an adventure?

OK, I'm ranting now, and I realize it, but this is one of those places that Pencil and paper translate horribly to digital format. A DM can take a worn-out-sock, wave it around like its a magic wand, and describe the atmosphere of the 2nd, or 3rd, or 12th Tavern/Inn/Brothel that the party/player(s) enter, and Poof! Its there and works.

Worn-out-sock or not.. this is no more arcane than how Hugh Hefner can keep it up long enough to do anything with it at his age. DM say's its there, and within 15 minutes.. It is. Now when you have to construct one bit by bit in the toolset.. try an hour or two unless your just slapping something together. While I can't do that and be happy with the end result, I suppose it is possible to do.

But anyway.. rant aside.. I'm thinking 18 X 18 for cities. I know.. Massive.. But by the same token.. I'd rather have that sort of room, and scale it down if needed. Considering the overland map's are 14X14, I think the different of 4 in either direction will make cities feel quite large, all the more so as I don't plan to have excess/pointless doors and the like.

Anyway, Rant over....

For now.

12 July 2009

Mask's a Socializer? WTF?

I'd say it fits..


Result Signature

The Socializer motto: "No friend undiscovered!"

It's not what you do, but who you know, how you are known and who loves you. People with high Socializer scores enjoy interacting with other people, forming bonds and finding cooperative solutions to the challenges within the virtual world.

Secondary influences

  • Socializer Killers loyally love and fiercely hate. Groups an SK bonds with in game are often deemed heroic, while the opposition is reviled. SKs appreciate teamwork and cooperation in PvP. They may become vicious predators while enjoying the thrill of hunt within in a pack, but they are not likely to seek out targets by themselves. They enjoy forming groups and alliances that will pit themselves against other players--and they gain the most satisfaction when they defeat organized groups of other players.

  • Socializer Explorers love the the 'total experience' of a virtual world--meeting new people and finding the unique places. They don't care much for PVP or leveling, but meeting up with online friends to see new parts of the world is considered fun and exciting. SEs make great group members, because they often know everything there is to know about a game and are enjoy sharing that knowledge freely.

  • Socializer Achievers value reputation. They want to be known and appreciated for what they accomplish bother for themselves and their group. If city or base building are available in a game, they enjoy creating these and inviting other people to come and see. SAs enjoy the increased social status that comes with defeating a powerful foe or finding a unique treasure more than the act of gaining or possessing the achievement itself. SAs endeavor to be associated with leaders and teams that are renown for great deeds, often finding as much satisfaction in the success of the group as with oneself.

Try it yourself.